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Alex Chao
Other Technical Role
Member Since
March 11, 2025
My listings (18)
A tool to help Orchestrator administrators to perform bulk operations on entities like Assets, Environments, Machines, Processes, Users, Robots, Organization Units, Folders, Queues and Packages.
Compute the Jaro-Winkler, the NGram and the Levenshtein distance between two strings. Also leverages the lucene .net library functionality to search a string inside a list of strings using a query
Test listing for SRS integration testing
Test listing for SRS integration with Marketplace
Test listing for verifying SRS integration with Marketplace
A framework for simple attended processes automation.
The DRUID chat bot platform providing native integration with UiPath.
A UiPath Studio template upon which you can build, test and run attended and unattended business processes, irrespective of process data types and process linearity